Fighting For New Year

Long time no see! Today is a traditional Chinese festival—Chinese New Year. Happy new year! It’s been six months since I last updated my blog. Today’s blog will give an account of the past six months and a detailed description of my plans for the year ahead. And I will probably only update this blog this year, for what reason I will explain later.

I’ve been learning Java for the past six months, although I don’t use the language at all, so I’ve forgotten some things so far. Although I can still read the code, I probably can’t write it because I haven’t practised it since I finished. But I still have the notes I took at the time, so I’ll be able to get up to speed quickly if I need to use them in the future.In addition, I am also working with one of my teachers on a object detection task. So far, the task has been successfully run and deployed in the cloud. Both the teacher and I are also getting paid. And now my teacher and I are planning to make further optimizations. For example, to deploy the model on mobile phones and to further improve the accuracy of the model and its ability to recognise complex environments. And some of the other time last term was spent on provincial football tournaments, CET-6, final exams and other trivial matters. None of these have anything to do with technology, so I won’t go into them again. These are the summaries of the last term.

Why am I likely to update only one blog this year? Because last month I made a very big decision—to take the NPEE(National Postgraduate Entrance Examination). There were two main factors in making this decision. Firstly, my current undergraduate institution is not in a provincial capital, so AI-related jobs are basically unavailable. Secondly, my undergraduate institution is not very good and the competition for AI-related positions is fierce, so I want to improve my education in order to get a good job in the future. And it takes a lot of time and effort to prepare for this exam. I’ve been revising for Maths and English since last month. In the future, I also need to revise my politics and professional courses, as well as to choose my target college. So this is a really heavy task.

In addition to this, I have another project, also an enterprise project, which I have not yet started working on and expect to do so at the beginning of next term. Together with last term’s enterprise project, I now have two projects in progress. In the meantime, I am also planning to see if I can get an internship this summer. In my opinion, internship experience is just as important as postgraduate exams. If I get a summer internship, that would be the best, but if not, it doesn’t matter, I will prepare for my exams with all my might.

In summary, that’s how I’ve laid out my plans for the past six months and the year ahead. So I’ll be busy for the next year, and most likely I’ll be updating this blog this year. Preparing for the postgraduate exams will be a tough journey. Wish me luck. Looking forward to meeting you next time!

Written on February 21, 2021