Paper, Program:The New Start

The 2020 ZhanJiang Underwater Object Detection Algorithm Contest was over yesterday. The code is also made publicly available in my github. As my last blog said, I will make study plan after this competition. So there are three important things that I need to do: reading papers, making programs and learning PyTorch.

The newest papers in 2020 are very attractive, such as Regnet designed to subvert traditional CNN or AdderNet subverting multiplicative neural network. So I will read these fine papers to keep pace with the times, instead of just knowing Yolo, ResNeXt and so on a few years ago. The second is program. A few days ago, the school issued a document of innovation and entrepreneurship, so I plan to make a garbage classification based on keras or pytorch in the form of image classification or object detection, and finally achieve the real landing. Before that, I did participate in a waste sorting challenge competition of Huawei cloud, and I heard the defense of that competition. So this project aims to give play to the trick I learned in my defense. Another key point is to realize the landing of mobile terminal or embedded system. This is not a small challenge, if it can be realized eventually, it will be very helpful to my practical experience. Another project was given to me by my teacher. So in the next period of time, I have two projects to do. They seem busy, but they are also very substantial. The last one is PyTorch, it must to learn. As for why, you can see my last blog :Choice keras or pytorch?

OK, my general study plan is just like what I said above. There are several other points I need to say. The first important thing is sport. Because of the COVID-19, and this month’s competition, I basically sit and don’t exercise every day, so I’m a little fat. (hhh) So I will keep exercising for at least half an hour every day. Not only me, but also programmers who are sedentary because of their work should make sure that they exercise every day. The last thing is finding job. I don’t know if I can find an intern in the summer vacation of sophomore year. It doesn’t have to be CV for me, it can also be python. So I will also try to find the right position for me. If I can’t find it, it’s OK.

I will post the process experience in the next few blogs when I do the project later. This blog is here. Thanks.

Written on April 11, 2020